Daniel Hinojosa: Functions and Typeclasses in Scala

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

5:30-6:00: Food, Soda, Beer and Networking

6:00-6:15: Announcements

6:15-7:45: Functions and Typeclasses in Scala with Daniel Hinojosa

Not going to lie to you, I think Scala is pretty great. I have very few complaints about it and that’s a rarity for me. So I want to present you with some Scala. I also know that DJUG is pretty damn smart, so I was thinking, how about we just jump right into something cool like functions and discuss how functional programming works in Scala and we can fill in some of the easy stuff as we go along. Then once we see how functions operate and Scala and remove any scariness that some may have, let’s dive into implicits and create some type classes, and show you why I think it is exciting and why I think we may see more of these in languages to come. My goal is to get you excited about that language and remove any concerns that you have for the language. As a prerequisite, I require you to get plenty of sleep since I will need some of your brain power.

About Daniel Hinojosa

Daniel Hinojosa is a programmer, consultant, instructor, speaker, and author. With over 20 years of experience, he does work for private, educational, and government institutions. Daniel loves JVM languages like Java, Groovy, and Scala; but also works with non-JVM languages like Haskell, Ruby, Python, LISP, C, C++. He is an avid Pomodoro Technique Practitioner and makes every attempt to learn a new programming language every year. Daniel is the author of Testing in Scala and video of Beginning Scala Programming Video Series for O’Reilly Publishing. For downtime, he enjoys reading, swimming, Legos, football, and cooking. You can find Dan on Twitter at @dhinojosa (https://twitter.com/dhinojosa).

7:45: Door Prizes

* IntelliJ IDE License (https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/)
* Pluralsight Subscription provided by DevelopIntelligence (http://www.developintelligence.com/)

8:00: After Meeting Networking

After meeting networking sponsored by Okta (https://developer.okta.com/). We meet at Ale House at Amato’s (2501 16th St, Denver, CO 80211).

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