Vaughn Vernon: Reactive Domain-Driven Design Made Explicit

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

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5:30-5:45: Announcements

5:45-7:15: Reactive Domain-Driven Design Made Explicit

There is a better way forward than most developers have been taught by reading blog-driven example code. Those examples are often watered-down, how-to pitches on using some technical mechanism, but in their brevity provide some of the worst software design examples going. Even so, those examples are copied and embedded in the code that soon becomes a Big Ball of Mud. Since my “red book” was published, with the title Implementing Domain-Driven Design,” DDD has gained global popularity. That’s great and all, and certainly one of my authoring goals. Yet, with motivations in expediency, the vast majority of those who claim to use DDD have latched on to some of its tactical tools and called it good. And truly, it is not good. Certainly DDD is a “better way forward,” but only if applied with strategic thinking and engagement with business experts that leads to software innovation. It’s generally the technical patterns, such as CQRS and Event Sourcing, that attract developers. While very useful, such patterns are orthogonal to DDD, not the embodiment of it. In this 90-minute talk, full of live diagramming and expert advice, learn the essence of DDD and how to leverage the open source, purpose-build platform SDK that channels developers along the correct domain-driven path. This is uniformly achieved by enabling fluency of expression in rapidly-built Bounded Contexts and their supporting domain models that reflect accurate Ubiquitous Languages, all packaged into an instantly deployable Reactive, Event-Driven, fully-integrated, Microservices architecture. As a bonus, you’ll gain a vital understanding of how to maintain broadly distributed Domain Events and other elements for type- and version-safe information exchange. Success, win, success, win.

About Vaughn Vernon

Vaughn Vernon is the founder and chief architect of VLINGO XOOM, the OSS rapid development platform SDK supporting DOMA- and DDD-friendly Reactive, Event-Driven, and Microservices Architectures. A software developer and architect with more than 35 years of experience in a broad range of business domains, Vaughn is a leading expert in Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and champion of simplicity and reactive systems. Vaughn is the author of four books, including Implementing Domain-Driven DesignDomain-Driven Design Distilled, and Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model, all published by Pearson-Addison-Wesley. Most recently Pearson/Addison-Wesley has commissioned him for the Vaughn Vernon Signature Series, within which his fourth book Strategic Monoliths and Microservices— Driving Innovation Using Purposeful Architecture is published.

You can find Vaughn on Twitter at @VaughnVernon.

7:15-7:30: Q & A

The live streaming of this meetup is sponsored by Okta.

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